VolksNav in Dublin

Click or doubleClick a point on map to know the logical indoor or urban area code of that point

The convention for urban area codes is:

StatusQuo(c) Dublin prefix of a position code The urban pole is the City Hall
m12 basic horizon hour from urban pole to north, m3 to east etc.
number after the " : " horizon minutes distance to the horizon hour, in steps of 100 meters
The blue lines on grid show :50 minutes
r... radius

distance to the urban pole, in steps of 100m.
The red circle shows r100 = 10km.

download Dublin_r100.KML

This map converts lat/lon to StatusQuo by click on a simplified mode, tolerable for radius < 10 km. For a professional conversion, see VolksNav.com/mapplet

Station codes (tentative)

name time radius
Estuary m12:32 r145
Seatown m12:32 r130
Swords Central m12:26 r121
Forsterstown m12:20 r114
----------------------------------- transition inside/outside   r100
Dublin airport m12:10 r94
Dardistown m12 r74
Northwood m11:28 r68
Ballymun m11_20: r57
Collins ave. m12:2 r48
Griffith Park m12:3 r35
Glasnevin m11:10 r24
Mater m11:8 r17
O'Connell str. m12:4 r11
Tara m2:2 r10
-------------------------------------- transition north/south m3 / m9  
St. Stephen's Green m4_2 r10
Charlemont m5:1 r16


Line codes / line pictograms: m12 to m5 m5 to m12

512Say "line five twelve" or "12 5"


The division of the horizon into 12 directions can also be used global or indoor, example City University: addressing of buildings, crossings, exits etc.

uCentering on labyrinth, 1 unity = 10 meters

The innovative room numbering follows the same method.

